The missions programme offered by the institution are specially designed for those who have a sense of call into full-time ministry or desired to do the work of missions, but do not have basic training and/or do not know how to proceed. The mandate given to us is to produce missionaries who are theologically sound and practically able to produce God-glorifying results in cross-cultural settings through BOLD approach that will produce BOLD missionaries.

Apart from our regular programs at the permanent site for training the would-be full time  missionaries, we have discovered that missions is not just for a selected few in the Church but a work for every true child of God, and have therefore designed various programs to accommodate those God has not called into full time. This tailored Part-Time program is what we call TENT-MAKING Missions Training.

Features of the Tent-Making missions programme:


  1. Short term/intensive
  2. Class instructions
  3. Intercessions for nations
  4. Book reviews
  5. Missions mobilization
  6. Personal edification
  7. Individual prayers
  8. Impartations
  9. Updates in trends in global missions
  10. Quizzes
  11. Church Planting Projects
  12. Certificates after completion


Variants of Our Tent-Making Programmes

Our tent-making programmes are packaged in two different forms :

Executive Tent-Making Missions

  1. This training, a variant of the tent-making training, is packaged for church workers, ministers or lay people who have flair for missions. It is designed to build the necessary missions foundation for a successful ministry for those already in ministry at any capacity and also for those who have been called into tent-making ministry (tent-makers are people who engage in missions work alongside their secular jobs).
  2. The executive program is a five-day short term training, and hence intensive so as to accommodate those who will not be able to create the time required for trainings requiring longer durations. New comers into full time ministry will of course require a longer period of training and will hence need to opt for our full time missions training.
  3. The training holds at our main campus and the cost covers accommodation, feeding, books, application form and course materials.

Regular Tent-Making Missions

  1. This is a variant of the executive training only that it is carried out over a longer period of time. Like the executive training, it is designed for those already engaged in missions/ministry at any capacity, lay people who have flair for missions and those already into or considering tent-making ministry.
  2. New comers into full time ministry will of course require a longer period of training and will hence need to opt for our full time missions training.
  3. Duration: Minimum of 4 months at our Olubadan Campus.
  4. It is non-residential.